A Dog's Life - Introducing Chewie

I write this as my beloved Chihuahua Chewie is dying. We don't know exactly what he has but the vets suspect it is a brain tumor although it could be a degenerative brain disease.
To find out definitively, we'd have to fly him down to Seattle from Alaska where we now live for an MRI (there are no pet MRI's being done in this state). Then we could get an MRI done to confirm what is going on in his brain. Then we'd have to make the decision about operating or not because if you go as far as the MRI, you probably will want to operate if it is possible. But at his age (estimated at between 15-20 years), it is risky to do surgery and even with surgery, the chances of death during or right after the procedure are pretty high.
So $7500 dollars later, you still may have a dead dog who has endured the stress of travel, tests and surgery. I've opted to provide Chewie with hospice care at home.
I am writing this blog to document the last days, weeks or months of his life and to explain what I've been doing to keep him as comfortable as possible. I'll discuss my decision not to put him down right now. I'll go into the medications and natural remedies I'm giving him. I hope this information is helpful to somebody out there with a sick or dying dog.
I wish I had started this blog earlier so I could remember everything in chronological order over the last several months. But I'll do my best to both piece together his condition as well as his life overall.
I know this blog was written 6 years ago but it has surely helped me today. We rescued an 8 year old Basset hound 4 1/2 years ago after our other rescued Basset died of cancer. Right now Daisy is in our kitchen and is not able to move on her own, except flop around. She is a pretty good size Basset and reminds me of a seal. She is content and eating and drinking, though she leans to the right and you have to put the food or water where her head goes. Her tail wags when one of us arrives home. I've had some say to put her down. What you have said really helped me because she really isn't in pain and she exhibits love. I can't imagine putting a person down and animals are like family. You showed a lot of patience while you were pregnant. Praise God for your blessing of a child. We had babies around the same time. My little girl is now 6. Thank you for taking the time to document on Chewie. God bless you.
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